Biodiversity / Food / Water

February 9, 2013


Winners of "Local Production for Local Consumption School Lunch Menu Contest" Announced

Keywords: Food Government 

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) of Japan announced the winners of the "Local Production for Local Consumption School Lunch Menu Contest" on October 23, 2012. For the school lunch and company cafeteria category, Takano's buffet-style school lunch, which realized plant-based menus using imperfect local vegetables, received the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Award.

The school lunch menu of Tonami City School Lunch Center, which uses traditional dried vegetables, won the Minister of the Education Award. For the restaurant and lunch box shop category, Izunuma-nousan Co., which conducts the food, agriculture and environment education program for integrated study at elementary schools, received the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Award. Another 11 companies, organizations, and individuals were also awarded.

In this contest, menus using food made from local agricultural and marine products were sought from the public and the examination standards are "whether the menu is superior," "whether it makes an effort to understand dietary education and local agriculture" and "whether it contributes to activation of local agriculture, forestry and fisheries industry."

Local production for local consumption connects local producers and consumers, improves self-sufficiency in food products and revitalizes local communities. It is expected that the broad introduction of these initiatives will stimulate voluntary efforts and promote local production for local consumption.


