Civil Society

August 17, 2013


Café Catering Service Receives Jury Award at Social Products Awards

Keywords: Civil Society / Local Issues Disaster Reconstruction Eco-business / Social Venture Manufacturing industry 

Copyright Association for the Promotion of Social Products

The Association for the Promotion of Social Products held its first Social Products Awards ceremony on May 16, 2013. Odecafe, a company run by Maruc Co. in Ehime, southern Japan, received the jury award.

Odecafe (a play on words between "odekake," which means "to go out," and café) is a café catering service that opens a café at requested locations for local events organizers and companies, under the concept "bringing a café where there is no café." Odecafe provides not only café catering services but also a community space and support for people with disabilities.

Odecafe makes various social efforts: On its menu it offers locally produced vegetables; it donates 10 percent of sales to support the reconstruction of earthquake-stricken Tohoku communities; and serves coffee imported through fair trade.

The cafe was rated highly because it was deemed a good business model, has operated in Tohoku providing café services and reconstruction support, and is expected expand further. Moreover, it has a good menu selection and integrates various social efforts into its operation.

