Reduce / Reuse / Recycle

December 20, 2008


Kitakyushu, Sony Start Test Collection of Used Small Electronics

Keywords: Government Manufacturing industry Reduce / Reuse / Recycle 

Kitakyushu City in Southern Japan and Sony Corporation started a demonstration experiment to recycle precious metals and rare metals from used small electronic devices on September 1, 2008. Old digital cameras, video cameras and portable music players are being collected to extract precious metals within them as resources.

Kitakyushu was designated as one of the environmental cities by the national government in July 2008 for its outstanding environmental initiatives. Sony plans to place collection boxes at 60 locations within the city and assess the economics of recycling process, from separate collection, dismantling, selection, and metal separation, through March 31, 2009.

Since Japan heavily depends on overseas markets for rare metals and other metal materials, which are indispensable for manufacturing portable electronic equipment, it has been a significant challenge to secure stable materials supply, develop alternative materials, and develop the systems and technologies for recycling.

This experiment is being conducted in partnership with Nippon Magnetic Dressing Co., a company which recycles non-iron metals in Kitakyushu Eco-Town. Kitakyushu and Sony intend to evaluate the business potential of the recycling system to collect, process and reuse rare metals, with a view to continuing the program

- Sony Corp. official website
- Kitakusyu City official website

Posted: 2008/12/20 06:27:50 AM


