Energy / Climate Change

July 26, 2006


Green Purchasing by Government Cuts CO2 by 42,000 Tons

Keywords: Climate Change Government 

The Japanese Ministry of the Environment (MOE) has compiled the results of the green purchasing program for fiscal 2004, as implemented by governmental organizations such as the Diet, courts, ministries, independent agencies and special corporations. The results and achievements for fiscal 2004 were announced on March 31, 2006.

Based on Japan's Green Procurement Law, or the Law Concerning the Promotion of Procurement of Eco-Friendly Goods and Services by the State and Other Entities, the national government and related entities set goals and have been promoting goods and services that help reduce negative environmental impacts.

According to the results, the government and related entities have achieved a high level green purchasing since fiscal 2003; 95 percent or more for most of the products and services (132 items) purchased under the Green Procurement Law.

As a result of this reduction in the government's environmental impact, it is estimated that they cut carbon dioxide emissions by 42,000 tons, equivalent to that of 20,000 household persons. The report also indicates that the market share of environmentally friendly products has increased overall, particularly the share of eco-friendly stationery.
- Green Purchasing by Government Cut CO2 by 45,000 Tons in 2003 (Related JFS article)

Posted: 2006/07/26 10:37:08 AM
Japanese version

