Energy / Climate Change

April 28, 2006


Hitachi and Komatsu Win Top ESCO Awards for Energy Savings

Keywords: Energy Conservation Government Manufacturing industry 

Hitachi Ltd. and the Oyama Plant of Komatsu Ltd. won the gold prize of the first Best Energy Service Company (ESCO) Awards sponsored by the Energy Conservation Center, Japan on February 1, 2006.

Hitachi was highly evaluated for reducing annual carbon dioxide emissions by 4,650 tons at Komatsu's Oyama Plant. This is due to the reduction of power consumption to about one eighth by introducing a displacement air conditioning system that effectively cools local points with low-speed winds, and the drastic reduction of energy consumption by introducing a variable heat and power cogeneration system.

The center established the awards to promote excellence in the energy service business, with the aim of contributing to environmental conservation and energy saving in order to combat global warming. Ten winners were selected from among pairs of applicants (each pair having one provider and one user of energy conservation services that had been in place for more than a year), through a process of document reviews, interviews, on-site inspections, and presentations.

Aiming to save energy as their core business activities, ESCOs provide comprehensive energy conservation services to clients and receive as remuneration a portion of the profits resulting from energy savings. The Japanese government aims to reduce energy consumption by an equivalent of one million kiloliters of crude oil annually through ESCO businesses.
- Hitachi Launches Energy Service Company Overseas (Related JFS article)

Posted: 2006/04/28 09:50:55 PM
Japanese version

