Energy / Climate Change

October 29, 2003


Tokyo's Lowest Temperature Up 4 C Over Last 100 Years

Keywords: Climate Change Government 

On August 7, 2003, Japan's Ministry of the Environment (MOE) released a report of their study of influences on the environment by the heat-island effect (abnormal atmospheric warming due to high concentrations of heat-absorbing buildings & roads and the lack of greenery).

The study showed that, compared with 100 years ago, the lowest temperature recorded in central Tokyo (Otemachi) increased by approximately four degrees Celsius, double the rises in Tokyo's peripheral cities - Yokohama, Kumagaya, Utsunomiya and Choshi - illustrating the prominence of the heat-island effect.

A simulation showed that Tokyo would cool down by a maximum of 0.3 degrees if 3.8 percent of the land area of Tokyo's 23 wards were planted with trees, more rooftop gardens planted, and energy conservation measures implemented to cut exhaust heat.

MOE plans to continue its research on environmental impacts of the heat-island effect and take measurements over a wider area to clarify the its mechanisms.

- Urban Heat Island Effect and Countermeasures (Related JFS article)

Posted: 2003/10/29 10:34:16 AM
Japanese version

