
February 15, 2014


White Paper Addresses Creating Happy Homes by Sharing Household Chores

Keywords: Manufacturing industry NGO / Citizen Well-Being 

White Paper on Sharing Household ChoresCopyright Tadaima! All Rights Reserved.

Tadaima! (meaning "I'm home" in Japanese), a non-profit organization, started distributing their White Paper on Sharing Household Chores on September 1, 2013. The organization aims to promote the sharing of household chores and the creation of a comfortable home environment. It conducted a survey and collected opinions from 471 people on household chores and the division of household responsibilities. The white paper contains the summary of its findings. Tadaima! is trying to communicate the new value that household chores should be "shared" and not "divided" between couples in the coming age.

A project team of  Lion Corp., Soflan Family-Team Project, is working with the NPO and conducted an internet survey in August 2013 targeting a total of 800 females and males in their 20s to 50s from dual-income families in Japan. The results show that more than half of the wives spend 2 hours or more per day on household chores, whereas approximately 60% of the husbands spend less than 30 minutes. Even in dual-income families, the wife plays the main role in taking care of household chores. Meanwhile, nearly 60% of the husbands responded that they wish to cooperate more in taking care of household chores.

Tadaima! was named after its ambitions to increase the number of homes to which people would like to come home, 10 years and even 20 years from now. A comfortable home environment is one where people who live there trust each other and support each other. Tomoari Miki, the organization representative, says such simple things create a home to which one wants to return 10 years down the road.


