Policy / Systems / Technology

January 18, 2008


MOE Adopts Four New Projects for Sustainable Development Education

Keywords: Government Policy / Systems 

In August 2007, Japan's Ministry of the Environment (MOE) announced it has adopted four new model projects to be tackled in fiscal 2007 under its promotional campaign for the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (UNDESD). Since its start in fiscal 2006, a variety of model ESD projects have been planned and then implemented in communities in such a way that the ESD takes root even after the duration of each project. The MOE publicizes the processes and results of the projects on its UNDESD website (see http://www.env.go.jp/policy/edu/esd/ [in Japanese only]).

After the commencement in 2005 of the UNDESD, first proposed by the Japanese Government at the 2002 Earth Summit in Johannesburg, Japan adopted its own implementation plan for it in March 2006 (see the website below).

Under the plan, among the top priorities for implementation at the early stage is support for pioneering efforts in communities. This is why the MOE executes its promotional campaign in an effort to solve a range of local problems to create sustainable communities.

The newly adopted model projects are in four communities, including one for a sustainable transportation system in Nishiyodogawa Ward, Osaka. Each adopted community is to establish its own ESD council to work out an action plan for the next year and beyond. In fiscal 2008, under the action plans made in fiscal 2007, various stakeholders will be working together to implement the community-based ESD projects, such as courses at elementary and secondary schools and facilities for social education.

- Giving new life to abandoned bicycles (Related JFS article)
http://www.japanfs.org/db/1 409-e

Posted: 2008/01/18 11:55:18 AM
Japanese version

