Energy / Climate Change

October 6, 2006


2006 Summer Catalog of Energy Efficient Home Appliances Issues

Keywords: Energy Conservation Government 

Japan's Energy Conservation Center Japan (ECCJ) issued the summer 2006 version of its energy conservation performance catalog for home appliances on July 6, 2006. The catalog is commissioned by the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, which is under the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. The catalogs are distributed at about 1,150 locations nationwide, including the main and branch offices of the ECCJ, consumer centers, government offices, electrical utilities and home appliance shops. An online version of the catalog is also available on the ECCJ website, which also includes updated information about personal computers and copiers (, in Japanese only).

This is the seventeenth edition of the catalog, which has been published twice a year in book form since 1997, and provides the latest product lists with rankings in terms of energy efficiency, and useful tips on how to choose and use appliances.

The catalog includes about 800 models in seven product categories, including air conditioners, televisions, VCRs, refrigerators, washing machines, lighting fixtures and electronic bidet toilet seats. It also provides information on an "Energy-Saving Labeling System," which indicates the energy efficiency levels of appliances, and an "Energy-Efficient Product Retailer Assessment System," which contains a list of the top-ranking stores for their efforts to promote energy efficient products.
- Japanese Search Site for Eco-Friendly Home Appliances Opened (Related JFS article)

Posted: 2006/10/06 12:04:03 PM
Japanese version

