Policy / Systems / Technology

September 27, 2006


Japanese Gov't Adopts Program for Good Quality Housing

Keywords: Government Policy / Systems 

The Japanese government adopted the "Basic Program for Housing" on September 19, 2006, which plans to improve government housing standards over the next 10 years. The plan was presented by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport on June 28, 2006 based on the current Basic Act for Housing, which has been in effect since June 8, 2006.

In a society with increasingly serious problems, such as a declining birthrate and aging population, environment concerns, and a shortage of resources and energy, the plan aims to shift society from the practice of repeated jerry building and demolition to well constructed and maintained housing in order to increase the amount of long-life housing on the market.

By regularly analyzing and evaluating the effectiveness of the project using target assessment indicators, the Ministry intends to reappraise and modify the plan in five years based on the effectiveness of these measures and changes in social conditions.

The Ministry has clear targets for housing by 2015: 1) 90 percent of housing should meet present earthquake resistant standards (75% as of 2003); 2) 25 percent of apartment housing should practice universal design in common areas (10% as of 2003); 3) 40 percent of housing should have energy saving measures, for example double-paned windows (18% as of 2003); and 4) to increase the life span of housing to about 40 years (about 30 years as of 2003).


Posted: 2006/09/27 12:06:05 PM
Japanese version

