Policy / Systems / Technology

August 24, 2002


Second Anniversary of the Dioxin Law

Keywords: Chemicals Government Policy / Systems 

More than two years have passed since Japan's Law Concerning Special Measures against Dioxins came into effect on January 15, 2000. In September of the same year, the national government established a "Government Plan to Reduce Dioxin levels resulting from Business Activities in Japan" under this law, and set a target for an overall reduction in dioxin emissions of 90 percent from 1997 levels, to 843-891g-TEQ (toxicity equivalents) by the end of fiscal 2002.

According to the Environment Ministry's survey of total dioxin emissions in December 2001, it dropped from 7,343-7,597g in 1997 to 2,198-2,218g in 2000, a 70 percent cut over three years.

Posted: 2002/08/24 04:22:45 PM
Japanese version

