Biodiversity / Food / Water

April 7, 2013


Japanese Student Organization Lends Support to Business that Connects Farmers, Consumers

Keywords: Food NGO / Citizen 

JFS/Japanese Student Organization Lends Support to Business that Connects Farmers, Consumers
Copyright SOLA

SOLA, an organization formed in 2006 by students interested in agriculture under the motto "Dedicating Our Lives to Japanese Agriculture," actively promoted in 2012 the Farmers' Grocery Stores, a business in Tokyo run by a company called LIT that supports farmers in selling their produce directly to consumers in urban areas.

Through their outreach activities for the Farmers' Grocery Stores, SOLA aims to address three issues in Japanese agriculture: the low income of farmers, the weakening ties between farmers and consumers, and the lack of local communities supporting small retailers in urban areas. SOLA's activities include organizing seminars at the stores and farm visits for customers, as well as publishing a newsletter.

Unlike the conventional retail system, the Farmers' Grocery Stores links farmers to consumers more directly, eliminating brokers and wholesalers from the marketing process. The farmers need to pay handling fees for the service, but they can set their own retail prices for their products, while consumers can purchase fresh produce at lower prices.

As a next step, SOLA seeks opportunities to revitalize existing small grocery retailers in urban areas.


