Biodiversity / Food / Water

March 27, 2013


'Love Cake Project'-- Food Aid Project for Developing Countries

Keywords: Food NGO / Citizen 

JFS/'Love Cake Project'-- Food Aid Project for Developing Countries
Copyright World Vision Japan

World Vision Japan, a Japanese non-govermental organization (NGO), launched its fourth "Love Cake Project" in December 2012 in order to provide support for developing countries through the sale of cakes.

The project was carried out in collaboration with participating patissiers who bake "whole" cakes with one piece missing, and sell them as "Love Cake" at their shops. These Love Cakes are sold at full price, and the amount of money for the missing pieces is donated to the NGO to be spent on a food aid project in Kenya in collaboration with the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP).

This collaboration started in 2009 with seven patissiers at seven shops, and in 2012, about 90 shops from 19 prefectures participated. In 2011, 1,089 cakes were sold and the amount donated was 496,801 yen (about US$ 5,582), which was used to distribute 2,639 tons of food to 44,400 people in northern Kenya.


