Energy / Climate Change

February 21, 2012


Yamada Denki to Open PV System Installer Training and Certification School

Keywords: Non-manufacturing industry Renewable Energy 

Yamada Eco Solution Co., a consolidated subsidiary of Yamada Denki Co., a major electronics retailer, announced on October 13, 2011, that it would open the Japan Green Energy Technical School on November 1 to provide training and certification programs for photovoltaic (PV) system installers in Nishio City, Aichi Prefecture.

With the changes in the circumstances surrounding electric power supply following the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, an increasing number of people have been showing an interest in PV systems that generate clean energy, and the demand for such systems is likely to grow. In light of the need to build an infrastructure for high quality and safe system installation, the Yamada Denki Group decided to establish the school.

The school will provide programs that allow participants to acquire knowledge and PV system installation skills, and obtain identification as a certified installer of PV panels of seven manufacturers. It aims to become a training institution that can provide solid education on installation skills and ensure quality. It also plans to provide training programs for PV system sales and to increase its training facilities in 2012 and onward.

How Japanese Lifestyles and Awareness Changed after the March 11 Great East Japan Earthquake

Posted: 2012/02/21 06:00:15 AM


