Energy / Climate Change

January 16, 2012


Japan's Natural Energy Council Announces Akita Declaration

Keywords: Local government Non-manufacturing industry Renewable Energy 

The Natural Energy Council, a governmental panel whose mission is to accelerate the deployment of solar power and other natural energy sources in Japan, announced the Akita Declaration on July 13, 2011. The council, with its 35 member prefectures as of August 31, 2011, declared its intention to strengthen efforts in the following areas: promote new programs and projects that make the most of each area's natural energy resources; introduce new measures to encourage natural energy use; and accelerate the exchange and sharing of information regarding successful strategies and related challenges.

In addition to voluntary efforts by member prefectures, the Natural Energy Council has also submitted policy proposals asserting the necessity that Japan introduce and carry out the following policies: establishment ambitious targets for natural energy use; expeditiously create and implement a feed-in tariff scheme for natural energy and establish effective rules; incorporate the opinions of prefectures into important natural energy policies; support a stable supply of natural energy; promote technological development to support natural energy deployment; and relax certain regulations.

Achieving Independent Local Change -- the Ohisama Zero-yen System in Iida City (Related JFS article)

Posted: 2012/01/16 06:00:15 AM


