Energy / Climate Change

June 6, 2011


'Solar Power Truck' Dispatched to Area Affected by Great East Japan Earthquake

Keywords: Disaster Reconstruction NGO / Citizen Renewable Energy 

JFS/'Solar Power Truck' Dispatched to Area Affected by Great East Japan Earthquake
Copyright Sorabear Foundation

The Sorabear Foundation (Sorabea-kikin), a Japanese nonprofit organization (NPO) that promotes the spread of renewable energy, sent with support from the private sector a "solar power truck" to the area devastated by the March 11 Great East Japan Earthquake. The 4-ton truck, equipped with 250 20-watt solar panels with a total generation capacity of five kilowatts and a secondary battery with capacity up to 2,340 ampere-hours, generated and supplied electricity there from March 24 to 30, 2011.

Outfitted with TV sets, DVDs, chargers for cellular phones, and daily necessities, the truck with a staff of three traveled in and around Ishinomaki city, Miyagi Prefecture. The truck's ability to generate electricity from its solar panels while travelling was its greatest advantage, killing two birds with one stone by delivering both relief goods and electricity at the same time.

The solar energy was supplied to power TV sets and lights in the bathrooms and corridors of the temporary evacuation center at a junior high school, where lifelines had been cut off since the earthquake. Surprisingly, electricity for washing machines was most appreciated because it helped make laundry dry quicker in the cold region. Also, smiles could be seen returning to many people's face as they recharged their mobile phones and received donations of animated movie DVDs for their children. The truck was also welcomed by citizens in residential area in Minami-Sanriku town in Miyagi prefecture, where it delivered electricity for mobile and home telephones.

Following its March trip, the same truck from April 15 to 19 transported relief goods and delivered electricity to other areas that had not been reached by aid. Sorabear Foundation has been raising money so it can provide such services over the long term.

Sony Assurance Makes Donations to Sorabear Foundation for Kindergartens (Related JFS article)

Posted: 2011/06/06 06:00:15 AM


