Biodiversity / Food / Water

April 15, 2010


Sekisui House Reports Project at its Residential Developments Resulting in Richer Biodiversity

Keywords: Ecosystems / Biodiversity Manufacturing industry 

JFS/Sekisui House Reports Project at its Residential Developments Resulting in Richer Biodiversity
Copyright Sekisui House

Sekisui House, Ltd., released an interim report on January 27, 2010, on the levels of biodiversity at its residential developments, where the company has been carrying out a greening and tree-planting program based on its "Gohon no Ki" (Five Trees) landscaping concept, which is focused on conserving and encouraging biodiversity. The interim report concluded that the program has resulted in richer biodiversity in the target areas, based on research that is very rare for Japanese housing developers to conduct.

Sekisui House started the joint study in September 2008 with the Eco-Planning Research Co. at a subdivision in the city of Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture, followed by research at another six sites nationwide. They evaluated the levels of biodiversity in the target sites based on a year-to-year trend analysis of local ecosystems, such as the levels of birds and insects inhabiting the area . According to the study, which was conducted in the summer of 2009, the number of bird species was more than double that of the previous fiscal year, and overall biodiversity at the sites was richer than in neighboring areas.

Since 2001, the company has been using its "Gohon no Ki" concept to guide its landscaping plans, which includes planting indigenous tree species adapted to the local climate, something learned from the management practices used in Japanese "satoyama," areas of rich biodiversity near human settlements in the countryside. The planting results reached 850,000 during year of fiscal year 2008.

Sekisui House Launches Zero CO2 Emission House (Related JFS article)

Posted: 2010/04/15 06:00:15 AM


