Energy / Climate Change

December 30, 2007


Survey Shows 95% of Japanese See Global Warming as Imminent Problem

Keywords: Climate Change NGO / Citizen University / Research institute 

According to a report released on August 10, 2007, by the Keizai Koho Center (Japan Institute for Social and Economic Affairs), an organization affiliated to the Japan Business Federation, 95 percent of Japanese people believe that global warming is an imminent issue. The percentage was higher in older generations. The center conducted a public survey between June 4 and June 11, 2007, and received responses from 2,102 people via the Internet.

Regarding actions to curb global warming, the most common response was "only when they can" (75%). The total number of people who do activities "proactively" and "when they can" accounted for 91% of respondents, showing that the majority are environmentally conscious enough to act.

Asked about their actions to fight global warming on a daily basis (multiple answers allowed), the common responses were "turn off lights when not needed and reduce standby power consumption of home electric appliances" (80%), "sort and reduce waste" (80%), and "use their own shopping bags" (58%). Asked about the efforts they would like to pursue in the future, those who already make some efforts to curb global warming chose, "purchase fuel-efficient vehicles such as hybrid cars" (32%), "use green electricity such as solar power" (26%), and "use their own shopping bags to avoid using plastic bags where possible" (25%).

Asked about the efforts they would expect from national and local governments, the most common response was "create a system in which energy-saving efforts benefit greatly" (62%), followed by "strengthen environmental education for children at schools and communities" (51%).
- Survey Shows 96% of Japanese Concerned about Global Warming (Related JFS article)

Posted: 2007/12/30 11:06:21 AM
Japanese version

