Energy / Climate Change

November 30, 2007


Teijin Group attempts to reduce 20 percent of its CO2 emissions by 2020

Keywords: Climate Change Manufacturing industry 

The Teijin Group, a leading Japanese manufacturer of fibers, plastics and pharmaceuticals, launched a new CO2 reduction goal on July 24, 2007. The goal is based on the company's new Sustainable Environment Initiatives, which aim to cut domestic CO2 emissions by 20 percent compared to 1990 levels by the year 2020. To enhance awareness and ensure that all employees apply company policy, it will also develop a new plastic bag reduction campaign, called Greening Strategies, which will require the full participation of all employees.

Its Sustainable Environment Initiatives focus on three core elements; one is Environmental Preservation, which seeks to reduce environmental impacts such as CO2 emissions from day-to-day operational processes. The Environment-Friendly Design initiative plans to incorporate environmental impact reduction features into product and process design; the company also plans to draw up New Environment-Friendly Design guidelines in the near future. The Environmental Business initiative aims to capitalize on the Group's strengths to generate distinctive new lines of business in environmental fields.

Under the employee Greening Strategies,, all Teijin employees receive eco-shopping bags to help them reduce the number of plastic bags they receive from convenience stores, supermarkets, and bookstores. Next, they report the number of plastic bags they refused and calculate total savings, converted into units of gasoline. The campaign is pursued as a game with the goal of driving around the world by car using the gasoline saved. The game concept helps employees envision their contribution to conserving the global environment while raising their awareness about the need to participate in implementing the Sustainable Environment Initiative policy.

Posted: 2007/11/30 11:46:02 PM
Japanese version

