Energy / Climate Change

September 23, 2007


Japan Natural Energy Co. Reports Growth in Green Power Certification

Keywords: Non-manufacturing industry Renewable Energy 

Japan Natural Energy Co. (JNEC) announced on April 24, 2007 that the number of corporate and municipal customers signing contracts to use renewable energy exceeded 100. Under the Green Power Certification System established in 2001, JNEC is entrusted by customers to generate electricity from renewable energy, and issues Green Power Certificates to them in exchange.

In fiscal 2006, JNEC concluded contracts with 30 new organizations as well as two existing customers to generate an additional 14.56 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity per year. As a result, the total number of contracting organizations rose to 104 and the contracted amount of electricity from renewable energy increased to 70.399 million kWh per year. The figure is equivalent to a reduction of approximately 27,300 tons of carbon dioxide, an amount that could be absorbed by 1.95 million 50-year-old Japanese cedar trees in a year.

For generating power, JNEC signed new contracts with a wind farm and two biomass power plants, boosting the total number of its contracted power plants to five wind farms, 12 biomass power plants and two micro-hydro power plants in fiscal 2006. These plants are supported by 104 companies and other entities mentioned above.
- Green Power Certification System Expands (Related JFS article)
- 'Green-Power Certified T-Shirts' Tied to CO2 Emissions Cuts (Related JFS article)
- Lease Contract Combined with Green Power Certification Announced in Japan (Related JFS article)

Posted: 2007/09/23 02:29:45 PM
Japanese version

