Energy / Climate Change

September 10, 2007


Mixi Websites to Cut 800 Tons of CO2 Emissions per Year with Green Power

Keywords: Energy Conservation Non-manufacturing industry Renewable Energy 

Mixi, Inc., a popular social networking website in Japan, started to use green power for the server for its social networking service "mixi," and job-advertising site, "Find Job," the company announced on May 1, 2007. The total 2.05 million kilowatt-hours per year of electricity will be powered by natural energy.

Mixi will purchase "Green Power Certificates" from Japan Natural Energy Co. and entrust the power generation to the company. Electricity consumed by Mixi will be regarded as green power generated by biomass, water and wind. Annually, about 800 tons of carbon emissions will be reduced by this action.

Mixi intends to facilitate environmental activities by creating participatory eco-projects through "mixi."

Posted: 2007/09/10 03:00:58 PM
Japanese version

