Reduce / Reuse / Recycle

March 26, 2004


Biomass White Paper 2004

Keywords: Ecosystems / Biodiversity NGO / Citizen Reduce / Reuse / Recycle Renewable Energy 

The Biomass Industrial Society Network (BIN) of Japan completed its Biomass White Paper 2004 (in Japanese) at the end of February. The white paper, which will be available on BIN's website, illustrates biomass-related topics, accomplishments and activities of government, local communities and businesses. BIN is also preparing a summary version of the report. The materials are free of charge for anyone who is interested. Requests can be made directly on the society's website.

Effective use of biomass resources, including wood from forest maintenance and agricultural waste, can help to reduce the burden of society on the environment overall, and vitalize the economy at the community level. In Japan, however, problems such as cost, unstable supply and lack of information have been bottleneck preventing the effective use of biomass resources.

BIN hopes to create a biomass-based industrial society in which energy and industrial materials are based, to the greatest extent possible, on renewable biomass resources. The network organizes monthly workshops and provides information about the utilization of biomass by publishing books and brochures and through the Internet.

Posted: 2004/03/26 09:34:36 AM
Japanese version

