Biodiversity / Food / Water

July 16, 2011


Japanese Ministry Provides Basic Views on Releasing Threatened Species into Wild

Keywords: Ecosystems / Biodiversity Government 

Image by Japan for Sustainability

The Japanese Ministry of the Environment announced on March 31, 2011, that it had compiled a basic study on releasing threatened species of animals and plants into the wild. The Ministry launched a project in 2007 to study methods to protect threatened species outside of their natural habitats and to reintroduce them into the wild, and has continued studies on how conservation should be promoted.

The basic idea aims to promote suitable plant and animal reintroduction into the wild. This is to be conducted by presenting and promoting a cross-section of ideas common to all species with regard to the purpose of the release, as well as necessary considerations.

Some of the ideas included in the report are the purpose of releasing species into the wild, the range of release, expected beneficial and adverse effects, monitoring of the release, drawing up of release plans, and points that need to be considered when releasing species. Appropriate release examples include a fish called the Naked Threespine Stickleback and Pasque flower, while killifish and Luciola (or firefly) are given as examples having bad effects when released.

Environment Ministry To Add 11 Species to Japan's Endangered List (Related JFS article)

Environment Ministry To Add 11 Species to Japan's Endangered List (Related JFS article)

Posted: 2011/07/16 06:00:15 AM



Ministry of the Environment official website

