Energy / Climate Change

March 28, 2012


Japanese Think Tank Launches Project to Measure CO2 Reductions in Home Appliance Replacement Strategy

Keywords: Climate Change Government Policy / Systems 

The Jukankyo Research Institute, a Japanese think tank specializing in home environments, started on July 13, 2011, recruiting households to participate in a project to collect actual data on the energy-saving benefits of replacing electrical appliances in ordinary households. The project, implemented by the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, aims to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by replacing old home appliances with energy-efficient models and measure the reductions to approve them as certified emission credits. The Jukankyo Research Institute and the Energy Conservation Center of Japan were commissioned by the ministry to jointly administer the project.

The project is targeting three appliances: televisions, air conditioners, and refrigerators. It plans to collect data from 1080 appliances in households in the Tokyo metropolitan area. Measuring devices will be installed on 510 units (about 170 units for each type of appliance) to collect actual measurement values.

The project aims not only to straighten out technical issues and methods for obtaining accurate measurements of the CO2 reduced by replacing electrical home appliances but also to get the CO2 reductions certified for the domestic credit system.

2007 Summer Catalog of Energy Efficient Home Appliances Issued (Related JFS article)

Posted: 2012/03/28 06:00:15 AM



The Jukankyo Research Institute official website

