Reduce / Reuse / Recycle

January 30, 2006


Takamatsu City Shops Encourage Customers to Carry Chopsticks, Protect Forests

Keywords: Climate Change NGO / Citizen Reduce / Reuse / Recycle University / Research institute 

Since October 2005 some restaurants in Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture, in western Japan have been offering a variety of special services, such as free coffee refills and an additional dish free-of-charge, to customers who use their own reusable chopsticks instead of disposable wooden ones provided to customers for free at most restaurants in Japan.

Hoping to reduce the consumption of disposable wooden chopsticks, Yoshihiro Terayama, a local shop owner selling natural foods and recycled goods, and some students at Kagawa University established a group to encourage people to carry their own re-usable chopsticks. Wanting to create a "My Hashi" (my own chopsticks) boom, the group asked local Japanese-style pubs, restaurants and coffee shops to offer extra services to customers who bring their own chopsticks, pointing out that this campaign could help boost their the shops' publicity.

The group drew up a "My Hashi Map" showing which restaurants offer the special services. Maps are now available at various shops in the area and distributed along shopping streets.

Mr. Terayama admits there have been arguments both for and against their efforts, but claims there is no doubt that the number of people who carry their own chopsticks has been on the increase. He hopes to promote the protection of forests and prevention of global warming, as well as the message of treating everything around us with care.

Posted: 2006/01/30 09:50:24 AM
Japanese version

